The PsetOfPair relation. This relation builds directly a paired set from a paired entity. It occurs when each side of a pair is the container of a set entity.The PsetOfPair relation links a father material paired entity to a child material composite paired entity.The PsetOfPair relation is a specialisation of the PartOf relation and contributes as such to the definition of the partonomic hierarchy of TAH.Example: [fasciculi proprii funiculi posterioris] -> (PsetOfPair) -> [funiculi posteriores].[cellulae rotiformes nuclei cochlearis posterioris] -> (PsetOfPair) -> [nuclei cochleares posteriores].Name: PsetOfPairAcronym: VOUConceptual schema: [Child entity A] -> (PsetOfPair) -> [Father entity B]Child entity A: material composite pairedFather entity B: material paired.